Document Library

Bangor Goal Setting Interview (BGSI) Version 2 (Template)A word document template version of the BGSI.Download
Dementia Australia: Healthy Brain, Healthy LifeInformation booklet prepared by Dementia Australia that can be provided to patients. Presents information on …, Download
Dementia Australia: Hearing Loss and Dementia HandoutInformation Booklet prepared by Dementia Australia that can be provided to patients. Presents information on …, Download
Dementia Australia: Physical Activity and Dementia HandoutInformation booklet prepared by Dementia Australia that can be provided to patients. Presents information on …, Download
Dementia Risk Reduction Booklet for GPsInformation guide for GPs about modifiable risk factors for dementia. Provides resources available for each …, Download
Goal Identification HandoutA handout to facilitate goal identification in older people living with dementia.Download
How to use the ICF. A practical manual for using the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and HealthA practical manual designed to assist stakeholders in applying the ICF in various settings, including …, Download
Living with Dementia. My Life, My GoalsComprehensive workbook for patients to go through and learn how to set and implement goals., Download
SMART Goals WorksheetS.M.A.R.T. Goals worksheet for patients to go through each step of setting a S.M.A.R.T goal.Download
The Bangor Goal Setting Interview (BGSI) Manual Version 2.2.Manual to guide clinicians through each step of the BGSI.Download
The Relationship Between Alcohol use and Long-Term Cognitive Decline in Middle and Late LifeExplains the connection between alcohol, drug use and cognitive impairment and This handout is for …, Download