Citizen Briefings

Short and simple summaries of key research findings in the area of cognitive interventions.

The team at CogTale has chosen several cognitive intervention topics and condensed them into digestible short reports, called citizen briefings.

Browse the collection of citizen briefings below.

Explore the latest citizen briefing

Effectiveness of caregiver-provided individual cognitive interventions in older adults with dementia

Citizen briefing January 2024

The current citizen briefing provides a summary of recent research evaluating the effectiveness of caregiver-provided cognitive interventions. The citizen briefing focuses on people living with dementia.

download the current citizen briefing below

Download previous citizen briefings

Commercial Cognitive Training Programs in Healthy/ MCI Older Adults

October 2023

Cognitive Rehabilitation for People with Mild to Moderate Dementia

August 2023

Virtual Reality Cognitive Training for People with Mild Cognitive Impairment

January 2022

Cognitive Training for People with Mild to Moderate Dementia

December 2021

Interested in learning more about cognitive interventions?

Learn about cognitive interventions, including learning the differences between different types of cognitive interventions.