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CogTale Researcher Internship

The internship is fully remote and international researchers & students are encouraged to apply!

What are the benefits?

Connect with researchers in the CogTale team at Deakin University, Australia
Gain professional skills in data extraction
Gain Knowledge about cognition-oriented interventions and meta-analysis
Internship certificate of completion

Who can apply?

3rd year undergraduate, graduate or postgraduate) students studying psychology or a related discipline
Researchers interested in ageing, dementia, and evidence synthesis.

Interested in the 2024 CogTale internship?

Click apply now to complete the expression of interest form and have your application considered by the team.

Create a CogTale Account

Creating an account will allow you to bookmark studies, synthesize evidence from studies, and receive detailed evidence reports by email.



What is brain training? Why is it useful? Learn about cognitive interventions on this page.


Want access to cognition-oriented interventions and dementia care resources?


Explore our database for research studies on cognitive-oriented interventions.